martes, 29 de septiembre de 2009

DIA 223

TOMÁS en su librería-papelería

3 comentarios:

  1. me encanta la gente del barrio! yo no me animo a fotografiar a mis vecinos...

  2. Me gusta mucho su sonrisa amable. :) Yo tampoco me atrevo a fotografiar a mis vecinos. :(

    The comic strip on my blog is about a recent event here in Sweden. This Anna Anka, wife of Paul Anka (you know, he who has composed a lot of music) was born in Sweden. She came here on a short visit, being on TV and such, and during that time she said a lot of really stupid things, especially about how women should act with their husbands. She acts as if she is the only smart swedish woman on earth and still she sais very, very stupid things. She even brags about how she and Paul were unfaithful to their partners when they started to see each other. He is 30 years older than her. Well, hard to write everything here, but that is what the comic is about.
